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Tandem Emergo


15th January 1765 .

"Scarce was this year a fortnight old when a great flood swept away old Bandon bridge. It appears that a large tree having fallen into the river at the park, was rolled down by the angry waters, and having, unfortunately, got across one of the main archways of the bridge, it lay there. It was not very long in its new position, when a rick of hay floated out of the kitchen-garden belonging to a widow woman named Barry who lived in a house on the site of the premises occupied by the late Miss Anne Williams and sideling into the huge stream, was stopped in its downward course by the tree. The tree and the hay-rick were speedily supplemented by a host of other impedimenta, including bundles of faggots, branches of trees, straw- stacks, &c.

The current being now greatly obstructed, back-water was the result; the vast volume of which was every instant on the increase. The old boundaries can restrain it no longer. Quickly reaching to their utmost height, it overtops them, and pouring down, the foaming waters rudely force every obstacle out of the course of their onward sweep, and soon a great portion of the town lies under water. Meanwhile the old bridge firmly holds its ground; but after a little time it begins to tremble; a little later, and it shakes; later still, and a fissure appears; and another, and another, and then a huge rent announces its impending doom. And now, as if conscious that its work was done,that its inevitable fate was at hand,it lowers its old historic front, and dropping slowly and silently into the grave of angry waters that are impatiently awaiting it,below, it disappears; and in a few short minutes there was not a stone left to record where it stood. The bridge was in excellent repair when this casualty overtook it."



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